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Can I Really Know Christ?
“All people have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” – (Romans 3:23)
The answer is yes! There are a lot of words used in our world to describe what knowing Jesus means. People might ask you (Are you born again?) (Have you repented of your sins?) (Have you been saved?) Wow! It can be real confusing and sometimes scary. Our goal is to share with you in the simplest terms who Jesus is and what knowing Him can mean for your life. Let’s start at the beginning…
Jesus came to call us to repentance for our sins. God’s Word says, “All people have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” – (Romans 3:23) When you repent, you turn from going away from God, to going toward God where you seek to do His will and not your own. You Believe Jesus is the Son of God, Confess Your Sins and Receive Jesus into your heart. When you repent you make a 180 degree turn. Some people say that it is like the difference between going North and South. You are born again.

God’s love is not based on our goodness or how we perform but rather on who’s we are and we are all God’s children when we accept His son, Jesus Christ, who gave His life for all of us.
Receiving the love of Jesus and living in his love everyday, is the first and most essential step in having a love worth giving. Jesus gave His life for you so give your life to Him.
Accept Jesus Christ Today!
When you venture forth in the Way of Salvation Jesus wants to be your best friend. When you decide to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and savior (get “saved”, “born again”, “redeemed”) you take the first step on the journey.
Repeat After Me, Dear God I Accept That Jesus is the Son of God. I Believe He Died and Shed His Blood on the Cross For MY Sins! He Rose From The Grave and Conquered Death. I Ask You To Forgive Me of My Sins. Please Change My Heart and Help Me Obey The Bible Teachings. Be My Savior Jesus and My Lord. I Receive Jesus Christ Into My Life NOW!