Joseph picks up a lamb and brings it close to baby Jesus to keep him warm. Both Mary and Joseph then doze off to sleep…. Suddenly the inn keeper comes to the barn door and says “excuse me but there are some sheperd boys here to see you.”  Imagine with me what Joseph and Mary must have been thinking.

Perhaps Mary was shy and questioning who these group of men were.  Joseph thinking “Wow they followed a star to get here.  Whew!  my son really is the Messiah.”Just at the right moment God ordained the sheperds to arrive at the inn the encourage Mary and Joseph.   Sent them to confirm that Jesus is really the “son of God.”  

Are you in a cold smelly place in life today?  Maybe at one time you accepted Christ and started on a journey but along the way you lost hope. You need an unexpected visitor to show up in your life!

Take just a minute and breathe these words, “Heavenly Father, in Jesus name I ask that I would feel your presence RIGHT NOW.  Visit with me.  I receive you a fresh and a new into my life.  I believe Jesus Christ is the son of God and that he not only came as a baby but he died as the sacrifice for my sins. I need you to visit with me.”

Here at we believe with you that God will visit you.  If you prayed this prayer please let us know by going to the page “ask for salvation” and click that you have prayed the prayer then fill out the quick form to let us know you have prayed.  We want to be here for you during your journey!