As we head into the second quarter of 2013, you can expect a change or a transfer to take place. This is what this year is all about, and for those of you who have been diligent in seeking God and pleasing Him, you can expect the greatest change to take place. You see, there are seasons in the spirit realm that God created, and this is a special season of harvest for many believers who have listened to God and have been obedient. Some are expecting, and yet they haven’t been obedient to the opportunities He gave them.
Remember, God is a just God, and He releases from the riches of His glory realm to those who have followed Him. They hear and move according to God’s word, will, and way. Some think they are hearing from God, but they aren’t because they haven’t taken the time to hear His voice. The voice many are listening to is the still small voice of self. I know this comes as a shock to some of you, but I have observed this now for over forty years in people. I cannot tell you how many people say there is a change coming in their life because they heard the voice of the Lord. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, you wait to see what happens, and when it doesn’t come to pass, they get discouraged and become vulnerable. This is where expertise in this matter comes into play because it is very important to encourage these people at this time.
Change or transfer or promotion comes from above, and everyone’s gift will make room for itself. However, unless you change your ways so you can hear God, you can keep on missing God’s change for years. I know this is a timely message for many because I know many are heading into this month discouraged. Many are encouraged, and I encourage you to stay focused, but my heart goes out to the ones who are struggling. Hearing God is so key in this hour we live in saints. So whatever it is that you are doing to keep you away from spending time alone everyday with God, change it.
Sheep continually follow their shepherd, don’t they? They just don’t follow once in a while. No, they follow all the time. They follow His lead. Jesus said my sheep hear my voice, and they follow me. How many of us are continually following the lead of Jesus? Makes you think doesn’t it. He said MY sheep. Many sheep shall say in that last day, Lord, Lord have we not done this or that in your name, and Jesus tells them to go away. He never knew them. John 10:27
Saints, I encourage you in this hour to change. Some of you are having a change in promotion, in leadership roles, and in moving forward. Do not be so easily discouraged if you aren’t moving forward as well. You can too, if you decide to change the way you think and live. Finally realize you have to surrender all. No good thing dwells in this flesh because it serves the sinful nature of man. The mind serves God. Romans 7:25
A new season of refreshing awaits us in April saints, so let’s get excited about a fresh new start. Your future is in front of you, and your past is behind you. Each day is a new day to start afresh. Change your attitude, and it will change your altitude. If you can think a thought, you qualify to be able to make a change. It’s that easy. Change your thinking and you will change the direction you go in life. So, is your thinking lifting you up or keeping you down? John Powers