Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Step Three to Winning the Gold Remember to keep your eyes on the “prize!”  The prize for the Christian is living in eternity with God.  So many times we focus so much on the moment that we lose focus on the real purpose of life, living for...

Reach for the Gold

Step Two to Winning the Gold; Reaching for it! When striving for a goal we must “press” for it.  The Bible says in Philippians 3:13  “…I press towards the mark…”  The Biblical definition of “press” here...

First Step to Winning the Gold: Humility

First Step to Winning the Gold; Humility Humility is defined as “ is the quality of being modest and respectful.”  In Philippians 3:13 the very first thing the Apostle Paul tells us is that he does not consider himself to have attained....

He Is Waiting For You

He is waiting on YOU today!  God has great plans for you and He is longing to show you His love and His favor.       Isaiah 30:18 ~ The Amplified Bible 18 And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be...