“But someone will say,” You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds and I will show you my faith by my deeds.” James 2:18
Westerners are a doing people. One of the first questions that is asked when being first introduced to someone is, “What do you do?”. Doing, in western culture, is inseparable from a person’s identity.
Is it this way in the kingdom of God?
The book of James emphasizes doing more than any other book of the bible. Without a doubt doing is an essential part of the Christian faith. However, in James 2:18 the writer corrects the one who is separating faith and deeds. Most of the times in sermons the emphasis is placed upon the first part of the statement, in order to say that faith without deeds is dead which is of course true but what about the second part?
The second part is interesting. It still places emphasis on deeds but where are the deeds deriving from? The deeds are derived by faith. Deeds are important but faith has to come first. At times we try to perform without first developing the faith that would make the deeds come naturally. Doing must flow out of our being instead of doing determining our being. Our identity is not based on what we do. Our doing is based on our identity.
Today, if you are struggling with doing ask yourself, “Who am I?” If you get your being right, then your doing will soon follow. Take time to build your faith today!
Written By: Danielle O'Neil @danielleoneil.com