by Teri Winters | Dec 16, 2014 | Devotions
Christmas is coming! A time to again welcome Christ as the King of King and Lord of Lords. A time to welcome him by having made preparations. Unfortunately, many of us spend a very disproportionate amount of time preparing our houses with decorations inside and...
by Teri Winters | Dec 11, 2014 | Devotions
Let’s be clear: the name of Jesus is not a magic wand. Chanting it does not give us special powers. The power is the PERSON behind the name. Jesus was a name used widely in Bible times so we must remember it isn't the name itself. Christ was NOT...
by Teri Winters | Nov 21, 2014 | Devotions
The Apostle Paul said “In EVERYTHING give thanks for this (giving thanks for everything) is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” I Thess. 5:18 How can we give thanks for everything? First we must realize that we are “in Christ...
by Teri Winters | Nov 17, 2014 | Devotions
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. – Hebrews 11:1 Have you ever hopped in a car with a friend without knowing where you are going? You have things to get accomplished that day but the friend insists that you trust...
by Teri Winters | Sep 29, 2014 | Devotions
You see just at the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6 Have you ever needed something at a specific time? Maybe you are feeling that way right now, where something needs to come through for you. These times can be...
by Teri Winters | Sep 8, 2014 | Devotions
But I trust in your unfailing love, my heart rejoices in your salvation. Psalm 13:5 But I trust in you Lord; I say, “You are my God.” Psalm 31:14 Trust. It is a rare gem that few are blessed to find. The combination of constant influx of...