As you come to him, the living Stone- rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priest hood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.  1 Peter 2:4-5


 When is the last time you went to God— not just out of a crisis situation, but truly for himself?  If its been awhile or never, whats holding you back? Is coming to God scary for you?  Are you afraid of what he will do or say to you? If you do go to God often, why?


1 Peter 2:4-5 tells us what happens when we do in fact go to his son, Jesus Christ. When we come to Jesus we begin to be built into a spiritual house or a temple for the Holy Spirit. You may ask, why be built into a house or temple? God is big. He is much bigger than us. If we want to contain him we have to get bigger to be able to hold him. The more we want of him the more we must expand spiritually. 


When we begin to expand we begin looking like the holy priesthood God wants us to be. It is only by spiritual expansion through coming to Jesus Christ that we are able to contain his spirit. The only way to be able to offer anything acceptable to God is by having his Spirit. 


If you haven’t gone to God in awhile or ever, do not be afraid. God is longing to tear down the old and build a new you so that you can contain him and please him. If you have been going to God, keep it up. Do not grow weary. He is building you even if you can’t see it or feel it. Know that whatever you are going through God is using it to build you in order to fill you with more of his spirit.


Wherever you are at in your walk with God come to him today. He is longing to build you and fill him with more of himself. 


By: Danielle O'Neil