FAITH: For prayer to be meaningful, it must be founded on biblical faith.
ADORATION: Faith naturally leads to adoration that expresses our love andlonging for God. Adoration in turn leads to praise and worship.

CONFESSION: Is acknowledging that we stand guilty before God. There is no place for self-righteousness. We develop intimacy with the Lord through prayer when we confess our need for His pardon.

THANKSGIVING: Nothing is more basic to prayer than to “enter his gates with thanksgiving” (Ps. 100:4). Giving thanks is a function of faith, not feelings. It flows from the assurance that our heavenly Father knows and provides exactly what we need.

SUPPLICATION: God desires His children to bring their requests with praise and thanksgiving. Despite His provision, the purpose of prayer is not to pressure God into providing us with pleasures, but to conform us to His will.