John Powers
For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son, the WORD, into the world. Our only hope in overcoming today’s challenges is the WORD, and this is an ongoing truth 24/7. Our growth in Christ is a life-long journey, not a one-time race. Never think you have made it because we are a work in progress until Jesus comes. Jesus is looking for finishers not diminishers – ones who start the race and finish. You may come limping or crawling over the finish line, but you never gave up. You may have went off-road and did some four wheeling for a season or more, but you kept getting back on the course. It’s duration that builds Christ in you.
Never look down on others who are still trying to get it together because you have already “been there and done that”. On our paths, everyone strays and takes a few detours. Thankfully, God has a plan and knows how to get you back on the right path. Many times, that comes through encouragement from another Christian.
I’ve trained thousands of people over the years in my gyms, and they have come in all shapes and sizes. But never once did I look at them in a judgmental way. More came to me in an unfit condition than those who were fit. I embraced them and made them feel comfortable and congratulated them on their willingness to improve. I had to let them know that I was there to help them at every turn and made myself available. I embraced them and gave them a hug for their efforts. Then, I would continue to encourage them all the time – not just that first time when they handed me the money to join.
As Christians, we need to do the same for others who are struggling, hurting, trying and failing. We are to be God’s hands and arms in the flesh to show His love. Whenever I visit churches, I look for the hugs, and it’s sad to say that it’s a rare thing to find today. Thank God some people in some churches still greet you with a holy hug. A hug costs nothing, but can mean everything to someone who is lost or hurting.
You should never feel you are holier than thou because salvation is never by works and growth is through the love of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. The only reason any of us make headway is from of the grace we allow to come into our lives to renew us time and time again. And when you think you are strong and have it all together, really think you have it going on, get rid of that thought. Why? It will cause you to spiral back down again. High-mindedness is the most sinful thought of all because it is pride. All you are doing is setting yourself up for a good old fashion chastisement from Father. He loves you too much to leave you in that pitiful, prideful state.
God sent love (The Word) to cover a multitude of sin and hate in this world. Evil will always be here until the end of the world, but so will love. Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. Jesus stripped himself of His kingdom deity when He came to earth. He had to come as a man. For as all have sinned by one man’s disobedience, so also have all been justified by one man’s obedience. What are you doing to show your gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice for your sins? Don’t let pride and self-centeredness get in the way.
There is so much work to be done saints, and I hope this blog encourages you to start thinking of others more than yourself. It’s time to step away from yourself and your agenda and look upon the fields to see who needs some help. It doesn’t have to be something big, just a kind gesture to start. Then do something again tomorrow. Purposely, do something for someone else. Keep doing this for about two weeks, and you will be amazed how you will enjoy operating from the giving mind of Christ. Turn off the take-take-take, me-me-me carnal mind just long enough to move into this realm of giving. Until you can do this, you will stay in the carnal mode of thinking which is always on self. You will remain a worldly thinker. God wants us to be Word conscious, so we will operate from the realm of the supernatural. This is a great way to start this new and good habit.
As a believer, Jesus is in you now, so it is Christ in you that works through you to help the lost and hurting souls in this world. Yes, you are probably hurting too over something, but what a better way to show that the love of Christ is in you and not the love of the world. In the end, you will be more blessed then the one receiving the blessing. God’s plan is amazing! This is how the world will know Christ. They will see the Word in us. To love the world for the Word is costly. It will cost you everything. Are you ready to spread out your hands and do the work of Christ?