Got this scripture covered when everything is going great! To be honest until I was 32 years old this was an easy scripture to obey. Then the bottom fell out of my life with the death of my mother, a diagnosis of autism on my first born son,
and a pending divorce.
I woke up one morning and thought, “Give Thanks? To who? For what? I’ve gone from the palace to the pit in a matter of a few years. Where is God? What have I done or not done to be where I am today“?
Have you ever had these type thoughts? Of course you have! But remember Jesus Saves! Salvation is not just for our eternal souls but for our peace of mind. Christ took upon himself the chastisement of our peace.
This is the first step to having the ability to give thanks in everything. Realize that Christ paid the price for every area of our lives and we can rest in the peace of God knowing that all things will work together for us if we trust him.
What areas of your life our you struggling with today? Start giving thanks in the midst of every situation.