Psalms 62:1-2 ~ The Message Bible



God, the one and only ~ I’ll wait as long as he says.

Everything I need comes from him, so why not?

He’s solid rock under my feet,  breathing room for my soul,

An impregnable castle: I’m set for life.


Some days I get weary. I feel like I have waited on God so long.  I look around (there's my first mistake) and it “seems” like everyone else has what they need.  It “seems” like somehow God has forgotten me.  Have you ever felt that way or am I alone?  Today, if you are waiting…and it seems like the waiting will never end, you are in good company.  The Scriptures give us so many examples of God's people who waited for a really long time.  In each example ~ God always came through. He sees what we do not see and He knows what He is doing.  He was and is always faithful!  He is our one and only!  Even in the suffering of waiting, He is there.  Hold fast, He hasn't forgotten you!