Imagine that a contractor comes to you and tells you that they want to build for you a house with unimaginable splendor and glory. Not only will he build the house for you He has promised to pay all of the costs. God has done this for YOU! The house came at no easy cost, but He sacrificed His own Son so that you may have every blessing. Although the builder will build the house, He has asked for your help, for you to come alongside Him and do His will. He will strengthen you to do His will and give you all that you need.
All the builder requires of you is obedience. Although obedience sounds like an easy task, your flesh will resist it. You will want to do good to satisfy the builder, but the good you will want to do, you won’t and the evil you desire to resist you will give into. Some of the complaints about the builder are His time schedule and how it is natural to wait on Him even though He is good and His plan is perfect. Another popular complaint about Him is that He is all glorious and humbles those that are lifted up, whereas in our natural state we love control and to be able to call the shots.
Despite our failure to wait on Him or submit humbly to His will, He is still faithful to build the house, not on any merit of our own, but because of what His Son has accomplished on our behalf. The Lord knows our weakness and insufficiency. He is a patient and loving Father whose mercy endures forever. Even though you don’t deserve it, He always delights in blessing you. How much more that should motivate you to obedience and let HIM build your house.
Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; (Psalm 127:1)