It is the beginning of 2014.  Let us begin the year pondering the first words written in God’s Word…IN THE BEGINNING…


Think about this.  GOD!  He was in the beginning.  Before there was anything there was GOD!  By definition God is (in certain   religions) a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.  One having power over nature or human fortunes?  Absolutely!!

As believers in Jehovah God we believe the Holy Bible and here see that God is Omniscient; All Knowing, Omnipotent;  All Powerful and Omnipresent; All Around.

What a comfort that God is All Knowing!  He knows EVERYTHING!  He knows where you have been and where you are going.  He knows what you have and have not done according to the Word YET He still loves you!

All Powerful!  He can do ANYTHING!  Nothing is too difficult for God.  He created the heavens and the earth with His very words.  He can create whatever YOU need in your life today!

What peace to know He is All Around.  God is everywhere at all times.  No matter where you go, what you do, God is always there.  He is longing for a deep personal relationship and is there before we even call out to Him.


So today whatever you need God is waiting for you to just call out to Him.