Trust is a sacred thing.   And sacred things are to be handled carefully, seriously, soberly, cautiously.   To trust God with all your heart is not a casual thing.  And I use to think it should always be easy to trust until my first born son was diagonised with a lifelong disability called “Autism.”  

It’s also not an easy thing.   Since God is totally trustworthy, it should be easy to trust Him; however some people are severely wounded in their spirit and disabled in their soul as truly as if they had a physical disability.   This is demonstrated by their behavior.    They either trust no one or they trust almost anyone.   Both extremes can be seriously harmful.   Both groups need help.   I’ve noticed that neither group readily recognizes there is a problem.   Until they do, they will not receive the help they need.

If you are one of the trust disabled, you may already know that the first step toward being able to trust either God or people appropriately is deep level healing of wounds to the soul.   God is healer and He knows how to do this.   We have to ask Him to do it and seek Him about it.   

Trusting God requires steps of faith, based on what the Word of God tells us about God’s trustworthiness.  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.  ” (Proverbs 3:5-6  NIV).  

Simply put we must turn off our minds and own reasonings.  We must replace our thoughts with the Word of God because His Word are His thoughts. His thoughts are for good and not for evil but most importantly He knows everything.  The beginning from the end.  Which leads us then to trust Him by submitting to Him!! 

Begin today by thanking Him for everything.  Throughout today I have stopped to meditate on the goodness of God. I have thanked Him for my precious son who cannot read, write, or speak.  How can I do this?  Because I have made the choice to not rely on how I think or feel concerning this seemingly horrific situation and submit my thoughts to the plan and purposes of the one who knows best.  My God!!  Join me

Contributor: Sonja Hunt and Teri Winters (mom of son with autism)