by Teri Winters | Jun 18, 2014 | Devotions
What are your thoughts when you wake up in the morning? What do you look at and see within yourself and the world around you? If I'm honest, when I wake up I don't always see the positive. I don't always see what I'm blessed with. Sometimes I see my...
by Teri Winters | Jun 17, 2014 | Devotions
A father once made a promise to their child, “ I will feed you.” The child responded,” Ok, Papa.” The child assumed that the father meant that he was going to feed them right then. A few minutes passed by and the child said, “ I thought...
by Teri Winters | Jun 12, 2014 | Devotions
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 Have you ever worried about what you are going to do tomorrow? It's quite overwhelming especially if you don't know how you will get food and/or...
by Teri Winters | Jun 11, 2014 | Devotions
“Does anyone really love me?” “Am I capable of being loved like they are?” These are questions that run through most of our minds at some point or another. There is a longing in every soul to have these questions answered with...
by Teri Winters | Jun 5, 2014 | Devotions
Can we be Christians without being a Disciple? I'll let Yahshua (Jesus) answer that one. The last thing He told us before He ascended to the Father was to go into the world, making 'DISCIPLES' of all nations, teaching them to obey ALL that He commanded. He...
by Teri Winters | May 26, 2014 | Devotions
Are you free? If you are an American like I am the question are you free sounds quite absurd. The natural response is of course I am free. I’m an American. Americans have been free since the revolutionary war. We decide who our president is. We have...